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The most powerful open source data science technologies in your browser.

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You only need your browser to use the most powerful Data Science tools and technologies.

For Everybody

Students just starting or experienced data professionals — everybody finds the right tools.

Deployment Anywhere

Using Docker you can deploy datapark anywhere. Or you simply sign up and start using it instantly.

  • The best Front End Tools

    Work interactively with IPython Notebooks, the full fledged code editor, the GUI-based file manager or with the system shell. All you typically use on your desktop is available via mouse click in your browser.

  • The best Back End Technologies

    Use Python, Julia or R. Develop and deploy Web apps. Use Docker containers and Big Data technologies (e.g. Spark). datapark can be deployed on any Linux-based infrastructure (also behind your firewall).

  • Collaborate, Share & Publish

    With datapark you can easily collaborate with people on your team, with others on datapark and share data analytics results with the world.

The Data Scientist's Open Source Tool Box

A comprehensive tool box for open source-based data science is only one click away with datapark. Experience new levels of productivity and efficiency.

  • Browser you only need your browser to use the full fledged Data Science environment
  • Analyze interactive notebooks for explorative data analytics with e.g. Python, R, Julia
  • Visualize easily visualize your data – both statically and interactively (D3.js)
  • Edit & Develop edit all typical code files within the browser (e.g. Python, HTML, CSS)
  • Your Data easily upload, download and work with your data, files, etc.
  • Integrate integrate with your code and data sources, like Github, Google Drive or Dropbox
  • Collaborate define projects, collaborate within your team and with others on
  • Share & Publish share & publish your documents & files, deploy your Web applications
  • Get Social let others know what you have been working on